• Sneeze Guard 1

    Clear Acrylic Panel face fixed with access cutout. Fixes to the front of your counter using the pre-drilled holes or double-sided tape.

    SNG001-600 - 1000mm high x 600mm wide

    SNG001-800 - 1000mm high x 800mm wide

    SNG001-1000 - 1000mm high x 1000mm wide

  • Sneeze Guard 2

    Clear Acrylic guard free-standing with service cutout. Can be fixed securely at the base using pre-drilled holes or double-sided tape.

    SNG002-600 - 900mm high x 600mm wide

    SNG002-800 - 900mm high x 800mm wide

    SNG002-1000 - 900mm high x 1000mm wide

  • Sneeze Guard 3

    Compact Clear Acrylic guard. Free-standing for easy installation.

    SNG003 - 400mm high x 800mm wide, no cutout

    SNG003A - 600mm high x 800mm wide, no cutout

    SNG003B - 600mm high x 800mm wide, with cutout

  • Sneeze Guard 4

    Reception style Clear Acrylic guard. Suitable for higher workspaces and countertops.

    SNG004 - 600mm high x 1200mm wide, with cutout

    SNG004A - 600mm high x 1200mm wide, no cutout